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InTouch with Terri

May 12, 2022

Join Terri Ross in this compelling new episode of InTouch with Terri as Terri and the APX team gears up to launch the second APX Platform New Development course.
In this episode, Terri is joined by Michael Byrd and Brad Adatto from ByrdAdatto Law Firm as they sit down to talk about the full lifecycle of anesthetic practice, the legal do’s and don’ts through the process, and focus on setting yourself up for success at the very beginning.
ByrdAdatto Firm: ByrdAdatto is a growing practice with locations in Dallas and Chicago. ByrdAdatto serves clients in many industries, with a heavy focus on the health care industry. The firm’s attorneys have become a national voice, routinely lecturing throughout the country at medical, dental, and legal conferences.
Inspired by the reach of training and education provided at conferences, Michael and Brad launched the Legal 123s With ByrdAdatto podcast to help simplify complicated issues that come with owning a successful business. ByrdAdatto eliminates inefficiencies often associated with law firms and instead offers creative solutions while striving to make the law accessible and easy to understand.
Legal 123s With ByrdAdatto Podcast
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