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InTouch with Terri

Mar 29, 2022

Terri Ross explores the exponential change that can occur through the completion of a comprehensive Practice Assessment and how to take the actionable steps to increase not only efficiency, but profitability.
In this episode you will learn…
  1. What is a Practice Assessment and why should you perform one
  2. What data to collect in order to get an authentic look at your practice
  3. How to create change through concrete action steps
  4. and more!
While this may seem a bit overwhelming, the APX Platform team and Terri Ross are here to support you.  We have created a FREE, simple yet powerful Practice Assessment Tool you can complete right now by clicking below!

If you found this episode valuable, please share this with a friend or colleague that would benefit from listening. 

If you are ready to create change and want to learn more about APX, please visit to schedule a discovery call.